Wednesday, August 16, 2017

There is a lot of talk over the past couple of days of rewriting history.  I really don't know which side is promoting this idea.  I do know that it is in regards to the confederate monuments being removed from all around the nation, well mainly the south.  But still.

Here are my thoughts.

The south lost the civil war.  Ever since the south lost the civil war, there is evidence that there has always been a group of citizens that denied the loss. Lots of talk about succession.  Monuments were erected to honor the leaders that ultimately lost the battle.  Sure Lee was a very popular General.  He probably would be in Trumps cabinet if he were alive today.

I really don't have an issue with Confederate monuments when they considered as just a monument.  The real problem is that the monuments represent hate and segregation to a group of people who believe they are superior to anyone that is unlike themselves.  Which turns them into of a symbol of oppression to every other group of people.  If it were just a statue that people could look at and see just a statue, fine.  But clearly, they are not.  Therefore, they do not belong on public display.  Remove them  put them in storage, put them in a museum. I don't really care. The Republic should demand it. And has.

The North won.  Taking down the monuments is not rewriting history.  Removing the monuments reminds the people that the Republic won the battle of equality for all the people.  In theory anyway.

Memorializing losers, is so 1878.

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Another one bites the dust.